Thursday, February 10, 2011

How do government and the private sector intersect? How should it?

Hello Bloggers,

This week we take a look at government and the private sector.  First, I must state that I am not a big fan of big government or any government control over any sector.  In my opinion the bigger the government gets the smaller we as people and a society gets. 

What is the private sector?  "In economics, the private sector is that part of the economy which is run by private individuals or groups, usually as a means of enterprise for profit, and is not controlled by the state. By contrast, enterprises that are part of the state are part of the public sector; private, non-profit organizations are regarded as part of the voluntary sector."  

In my opinion free market is what makes United States of America such an amazing place to live.  I agree that government should have an overview of the private sector but cannot bail it out at any time or buy the stocks of a falling company.  The free market is a way to make great companies successful and unneeded companies to not exist.  This link here shows what can happen when the government steps in to bailout a bad company and bad leaders   

In conclusion I believe that government should only interact  with the private sector for tax and regulations issues.  I do not believe that government should be able to bailout or buy companies that are failing.  The company is failing because it is lacking a demand and proper leadership, in which the government can not fix by putting Americans in debt and loaning funds to bad businesses.  

The Political Broker,
Tyler Berg

Bernanke testimony, part 3 (reps. kucinich & jordan opening statements) . (2009, August 01). Retrieved from
Private sector. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Government. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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